Miss Katie
Teaching faculty

Katie Horack was born and raised in St. Louis, and began dancing at RJ's at the age of 3 where she was a member of the competition team for 12 years. After graduating from high school, Katie moved to Manhattan to attend Fordham University - Lincoln Center where she graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor Degree of Science in Psychology, and was a member of Fordham's main dance company, Expressions Dance Alliance. As a member of Expressions, Katie was fortunate enough to choreograph numerous pieces and teach classes to the campus population. Post graduation, Katie moved back to St. Louis to work for Weissman, one of the most prominent dance apparel companies in the industry, where she works on set choreographing for photography and video. Katie is also an RJ's competition team assistant and feels extremely fortunate to be able to give back to the studio and team that raised and shaped her into the person and dancer she is today.